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10 June 2009, 09:43

Linux Kernel 2.6.30 released

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After eight release candidates and a rather short development cycle, Linus Torvalds has released Linux version 2.6.30, dubbed "Man-Eating Seals of Antiquity". As with its predecessors on the main development line of Linux, it introduces a host of innovations.

The majority of the code changes in this release focus on data storage. Some of the changes, for example, improve the data security of the still evolving Ext4 file system at the expense of performance – sharp-sighted critics may remark, however, that changes to the Ext3 code in 2.6.30 may produce the opposite result if users aren't careful when configuring the kernel.

Version 2.6.30 of the Linux kernel now supports two additional file systems and offers more flexibility for reconfiguring software RAIDs. Some of the changes to the crypto code aim at increasing the data throughput in encrypted storage media. Kernel image and initramfs can now be compressed with Bzip2 or LZMA and require less storage space. After two only moderately successful attempts to increase the kernel's start up speed, by simultaneously initialising various subsystems, this feature has finally been given the go ahead.

As usual, hundreds of new and improved drivers considerably improve hardware support and occasionally integrate features that previously lay idle under Linux. Several changes to the PCI and power management code aim to making system hibernation (standby/suspend) more robust than before.

The H's Kernel Log includes a complete overview of the changes in the feature "Fine tuning – What's new in Linux 2.6.30". The feature provides an overview of these and many other important changes in Linux 2.6.30. The changes will eventually affect all users, including those that don't compile the kernel of their Linux systems, as future Linux distributions start to include this new kernel version (or one of its successors).


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