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08 July 2013, 17:09

Searchdaimon open sources its enterprise search

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Searchdaimon, a search engine designed for corporate data and web sites, has been open sourced by its eponymous Norwegian developers. The application, which is capable of filtering, sorting and federating content, as well as auto-suggestion of search terms, spell checking and stemming, comes with a web-based administration interface with which data sources can be added or removed and statistics analysed. The company positions its software as "the only enterprise-grade alternative to Solr available".

The company has released the code under a GPLv2 licence and placed the 100,000 lines of C and Perl code, with full commit history, on GitHub, where it will be worked on in public in future. Some code has not been open-sourced; a statement from the company outlines what has been omitted due to issues with proprietary code including a DWG/CAD converter and support for distributed web crawling.

The Searchdaimon code lives in its own repository on GitHub where there are links to the web site, documentation, roadmap, a guide to when Enterprise Search (ES) is useful and other resources. Searchdaimon says it plans to fund development by offering support and consultancy, selling a hardware version of ES as an appliance, partnering with cloud suppliers, and creating a cloud-hosted version.



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